United Kingdom - HIST 240: S/ American Indians in Europe/ HUMN 222: W/ H/ Black Humanities

London, United Kingdom (Map)

HIST 240: S/ American Indians in Europe and HUMN 222: W/ H/ Black Humanities will be taught in London during Summer 2023. Both courses will utilize the libraries and museums in the vicinity of London to explore these topics.

While in London we will explore the British Museum, visit Drake's "Golden Hinde," a reconstruction of the ship he used to circumnavigate the globe. We will visit the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich and the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool. We will also embark on some walking tours. Students will get the reading list for the course well in advance of the departure date, and class time will be spent discussing the readings. Classes will be held Monday through Thursday, so students will have the weekends to explore on their own.


This program does not have any prerequisites. Student should be in good academic standing with no outstanding judicial issues at the college.

Program Dates: June 26-July 25, 2023

Travel Dates: July 3-July 25, 2023

Students will select ONE of the following courses.

HIST 240: Topics: "Discovery: Indigenous Peoples and Europeans, 1492-1650 (4 credits), fulfills the S/ general education category at Geneseo, and also fulfills elective credit for History majors. Contact Professor Oberg (oberg@geneseo.edu) if interested in earning 400-level history credit. There are no prerequisites for the 200-level course.

Using the resources of libraries and museums in the vicinity of London, we will explore those moments of first contact when native peoples encountered European newcomers. We will look at "discovery" as a two-way street, as Indiginious Peoples and Europeans attempted to make sense of oner another. 


HUMN 222 - W/H/Black Humanities (4 credits)

Explores the history of Africans and people of African descent against what Patrick Manning calls the European "tale of modernity" (xv). Rather than offering a chronological history of specific regions, we will focus on the interconnections of peoples and belief systems throughout Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Interdisciplinary at the core, Black Humanities is the study of moral, social, and political alternatives and meanings embodied in cultures, epistemologies, and literatures globally. The course will explore how African diasporic ideas have not only resisted and/or re-imagined more familiar narratives of Western Civilization but oftentimes they can also be identified in them.



Accommodations will be provided in London with easy access by tube to all the major landmarks.

HIST 240 Course Instructor: Dr. Michael Oberg (oberg@geneseo.edu), Distinguished Professor of History

HUMN 222 Course Instructor: Dr. Cathy Adams (adamsc@geneseo.edu), Faculty Assistant to the Dean and Associate Professor of History

For a detailed description of the costs associated with this program, download the Program Cost Sheet by clicking on the link below.

Summer 2023 Program Cost Sheet

Please see the "Faculty-led Programs Withdrawal Information Document" for information on withdrawal procedures.

Information Sessions for Summer 2023:

Wednesday, October 26th, in Welles 119 at 2:30pm and on Wendesday, November 2nd, in Welles 119 at 2:30pm


On April 14th, 2021 Professor Oberg, Professor Adams, and Emily McCrossen discussed the details of this program as it was envisoned for WI 21-22 in an information session. You can watch the recording here.

EXTENDED Application deadline: Sunday, February 19, 2023

Short-Term Faculty-Led
4 Weeks
Language of Instruction:
Field(s) of Study:
Special Features: